Empowering Aneurysm Warriors

Aneurysm Causes

What Causes an Aneurysm? An In-Depth Analysis

Aneurysms, often associated with potentially life-threatening conditions, are abnormal bulges or enlargements that can occur in blood vessels throughout the body. These weak spots on the vessel walls can be dangerous for the health, especially if they rupture. 

The aorta and the brain are the two most typical sites for aneurysm development, though they can occur elsewhere in the body. These silent assailants, a potentially life-threatening condition, often go unnoticed until it strikes with catastrophic consequences.

Knowing the risk factors, symptoms, and diagnostic techniques related to aneurysms enables people to seek medical help immediately, allowing for early detection and intervention. Early intervention can significantly lower the chance of rupture and its potentially disastrous effects.

Understanding Aneurysms

It happens when the blood vessel wall thins, creating a weak spot that could grow and rupture. Until they rupture or severely develop, most aneurysms do not exhibit any symptoms. Severe bleeding from an aneurysm rupture can be life-threatening and necessitates quick medical intervention. Aneurysms can develop in any of the body’s arteries, but three primary kinds are cerebral, aortic, and peripheral aneurysms. 

Cerebral Aneurysm

Aneurysms in the brain’s blood vessels are cerebral aneurysms. These aneurysms are particularly important because if they burst, they could result in problems that could be fatal. Saccular (berry) aneurysms, rounded outpouchings, and fusiform aneurysms, which entail an extended bulging of the artery wall, are two cerebral aneurysms frequently categorized based on their shape.

Aortic Aneurysm

Depending on the aneurysm’s location, thoracic and abdominal aortic aneurysms are the two primary forms of aortic aneurysms. At the same time, abdominal aortic aneurysms connect to atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and smoking, and thoracic aortic aneurysms connect to disorders like Marfan syndrome or aortic dissection.

Peripheral Aneurysm

Peripheral aneurysms can develop in arteries outside of the brain and aorta. These aneurysms can occur in various locations, such as the popliteal artery in the leg, the femoral artery in the groin, or other arteries in the arms or neck. Peripheral aneurysms are less common than cerebral and aortic aneurysms but can still pose risks. 

The Anatomy of an Aneurysm

A lot of focus is frequently placed on the expansion or bulging of blood vessels while discussing aneurysms. However, the arterial wall, the fundamental structure of our arteries, plays a crucial role in the emergence and growth of aneurysms. It is essential to comprehend the complex connection between the artery wall and aneurysms to understand the mechanisms underlying these potentially fatal disorders.

The Role of Arterial Wall in Aneurysms

The artery wall critically influences aneurysms’ development, growth, and rupture. Chronic arterial wall inflammation, which infections or diseases like atherosclerosis typically cause, can erode the arterial wall’s structural elements and undermine its integrity.

It becomes thinner and weaker as the aneurysm grows. The artery wall’s ability to bear the force of blood flow has been compromised by structural alterations, especially in the media layer, making it more prone to rupture.

How Aneurysms Form

Aneurysm formation involves a series of complex interactions within the arterial wall. Typically, aneurysms develop in regions where the artery wall is frayed or damaged. Genetic factors, connective tissue conditions, chronic inflammation, or injury to the artery wall due to trauma or infection can all contribute to this damage.

Once an aneurysm forms, it can continue to grow and undergo remodeling. The remodeling process changes the artery wall’s composition and structure, including wall thinning and smooth muscle cell loss. These modifications make the artery wall even more vulnerable to rupture.

Emily A. Farkas, MD discusses the causes of thoracic aortic aneurysm.

What Causes an Aneurysm

High-Blood Pressure

Blood flow patterns and the natural distribution of pressures inside blood arteries can be disturbed by hypertension. Long-term high blood pressure might deteriorate the walls of the arteries. The arterial walls may become thinner and less able to sustain the forces exerted by blood flow due to this disruption, which can result in the degeneration and fragmentation of these parts.


The toxic chemicals in tobacco smoke can cause direct damage to the cells lining the arterial walls. This damage disrupts the normal functioning of the endothelial cells, impairing their ability to regulate blood flow, maintain vessel integrity, and prevent the formation of blood clots. Over time, this damage weakens the arterial walls, making them more susceptible to aneurysm formation.

Aside from directly damaging the arteries, smoking also causes inflammation, increased blood pressure, and promotes atherosclerosis, all of which are primary contributors to aneurysm development.

High Cholesterol

Atherosclerosis, a disorder marked by the accumulation of fatty deposits within the arteries, is a condition whose main risk factor is high cholesterol levels. This condition can cause the artery walls to shrink and harden, decreasing flexibility and compromising structure. 

The locations of the fatty deposits are prone to rupture, exposing the underlying arterial wall to the blood flow. High cholesterol levels can increase the likelihood of plaque rupture, forming a thrombus or blood clot. A thrombus can further compromise the integrity of the arterial wall, increasing the risk of aneurysm formation and rupture.

Genetic Factors

In certain situations, genetic susceptibilities may be artery wall thinning or aneurysm formation. People with a family history of aneurysms should inform their doctors since they might need more frequent checks and preventive measures. 

While there is evidence that some people with a genetic tendency can develop aneurysms, it’s crucial to remember that aneurysms can also develop without a definite hereditary component.

Risk Factors of an Aneurysm


A substantial risk factor for the development of an aneurysm is advanced age. The artery walls naturally experience aging-related changes such as degeneration, loss of flexibility, and weakening. 

The artery walls are more prone to developing aneurysms due to these aging-related alterations. Aneurysms can happen at any age, but the risk rises beyond age 50. As people age, aneurysm frequency tends to increase.

Family History

Aneurysm development is strongly associated with a family history of the condition. Aneurysms may run in families, indicating a hereditary propensity for weaker artery walls or other risk factors for aneurysm development. An individual is at a higher risk if a first-degree relative has experienced an aneurysm. 

Connective Tissue Disorders

The chance of developing an aneurysm rises in particular connective tissue illnesses. Genetic disorders that alter the shape and integrity of connective tissues are the hallmark of diseases, including Marfan syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and the vascular variant of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. 

These anomalies may weaken the artery walls, making aneurysm development more likely. Doctors closely monitor people with these illnesses to identify and treat aneurysms early on.

Symptoms and Detection of an Aneurysm

Aneurysms frequently don’t show any symptoms until they rupture or enlarge significantly. Small aneurysms can occasionally be asymptomatic and go unreported. 

What Having Aneurysm Feels Like

When symptoms do materialize, they can differ based on the aneurysm’s location and size. Common symptoms include a throbbing sensation, pain or discomfort in the affected area, or a palpable mass. 

Severe symptoms, including a sudden, acute headache, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, a stiff neck, and alterations in vision or speech, may result from an aneurysm rupture.

Detecting Aneurysm

It is essential to detect aneurysms to avoid rupture and consequences promptly. Imaging examinations like CT scans, MRIs, angiographies, and ultrasounds are among the diagnostic techniques. 

Medical professionals may advise screening for people with risk factors such as a family history of aneurysms or specific genetic disorders. Early identification enables effective management and quick intervention to reduce the risk of rupture and associated consequences.

Sometimes, doctors perform a lumbar puncture or spinal tap called a cerebrospinal fluid test. Doctors usually give this test when there is suspicion of a ruptured cerebral aneurysm or subarachnoid hemorrhage. If the spinal fluid comes with blood, a CSF analysis can confirm that an aneurysm may have ruptured.

Potential Complications of Aneurysms

An aneurysm rupture is when the aneurysm tears or bursts, allowing blood to spill into the surrounding tissue. Intracranial and subarachnoid hemorrhages are two catastrophic, even fatal, consequences that can arise from an aneurysm rupture.

Intracranial Hemorrhage

When a brain aneurysm bursts, bleeding occurs inside the brain tissue, known as an intracranial hemorrhage. This abrupt flow of blood may compress surrounding brain tissue and harm it, resulting in neurological impairments and sometimes fatal outcomes. The location, size, and rate of the bleeding all affect how severe an intracranial hemorrhage is.

Subarachnoid Hemmorhage

When an aneurysm in the area between the brain and the delicate tissues protecting it bursts, it causes a subarachnoid hemorrhage. This results in bleeding around the brain because blood flows into the subarachnoid space. 

The “worst headache” is a common symptom of a ruptured aneurysm, and other signs and symptoms can include neck stiffness, nausea, vomiting, altered awareness, and seizures. Since it can result in serious problems such as brain injury, constriction of blood vessels, and excessive buildup of cerebrospinal fluid, patients must receive early medical attention.

Arterial Dissection

The innermost layer of the artery wall, known as the intima, is frequently torn or otherwise disturbed at the start of arterial dissection. This rupture makes a false channel in the artery’s wall, enabling blood to pass between the layers and weakening and dilating the artery. 

The blood-filled canal may widen as the dissection goes on, affecting blood flow and perhaps resulting in obstruction or rupture.

Prevention and Management of Aneurysms

Lifestyle changes are essential for lowering the risk of aneurysm emergence and growth. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, and enhance cardiovascular health. 

It includes exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, managing weight, and quitting smoking. These modifications strengthen the artery walls and reduce the dangers of aneurysm formation.

In terms of treatment options, the choice depends on factors such as the location, size, and characteristics of the aneurysm, as well as the overall health of the patient. Catheters and imaging methods are used in endovascular surgery to approach the aneurysm from inside the blood arteries. 

On the other hand, surgical clipping entails a conventional open surgical operation in which a tiny metal clip is positioned around the aneurysm’s neck to limit blood flow and prevent rupture. It is preferred for aneurysms when there is a high risk of rupture.


Aneurysms are dangerous medical conditions that must be understood, managed, and prevented. An accurate diagnosis using imaging tests and professional counseling is essential for effective management of aneurysms and timely intervention.

Healthcare specialists are best suited to offer individualized advice and treatment recommendations based on a thorough evaluation because every person’s situation is different. People should speak with a medical practitioner if they are worried about aneurysms or other vascular diseases or notice any symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can an aneurysm be prevented?

It may not be possible to prevent all types of aneurysms, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle, controlling blood pressure, quitting smoking, and managing cholesterol levels may reduce the risks of developing the condition.

What happens when an aneurysm ruptures?

A ruptured aneurysm may lead to extreme headaches, internal bleeding, and neurological damage. These are all medical emergencies that require immediate attention. Otherwise, it may lead to severe conditions or, worse, death.

Can trauma or injury cause an aneurysm?

Yes. Traumatic injuries can damage blood vessels and weaken arterial walls. People who experienced car accidents, fallen from significant heights, or injuries from sports are more prone to developing aneurysms.

About the Author

Picture of Rich Devman

Rich Devman

In the year 2020, I encountered one of the most significant challenges of my life when I was diagnosed with an ascending aortic aneurysm. This condition, considered one of the most severe and dangerous forms of cardiovascular disease, required immediate surgical intervention. The ascending aorta, which is the segment of the aorta that rises from the heart and delivers oxygen-rich blood to the body, had developed an abnormal bulge in its wall, known as an aneurysm. Left untreated, such an aneurysm could lead to life-threatening conditions such as aortic dissection or even aortic rupture. In response to this urgent health crisis, I underwent emergency surgery, a procedure aimed to repair the dilated section of my aorta, thereby preventing a potential disaster. This type of surgery often involves a procedure known as an open chest aneurysm repair, where the weakened part of the aorta is replaced with a synthetic tube, a demanding operation that calls for extensive expertise and precision from the surgical team. Surviving such a major health scare deeply impacted my life, leading me to channel my experience into something constructive and helpful for others going through the same situation. As a result, I took it upon myself to establish this website and a corresponding Facebook group. These platforms are designed to provide support, encouragement, and a sense of community for those grappling with the reality of an ascending aortic aneurysm. I often refer to those of us who have had our aneurysms discovered and treated before a catastrophic event as "the lucky ones." The unfortunate reality is that aortic aneurysms are often termed "silent killers" due to their propensity to remain asymptomatic until they rupture or dissect, at which point it's often too late for intervention. Thus, we, who were diagnosed and treated timely, represent the fortunate minority, having had our aneurysms detected before the worst could happen. Through this website and our Facebook group, I aim to raise awareness, provide critical information about the condition, share personal experiences, and, above all, offer a comforting hand to those who are facing this daunting journey. Together, we can turn our brushes with mortality into a beacon of hope for others. Also, I make websites look pretty and rank them on search engines, raise a super amazing kid, and I have a beautiful wife.